Inside My Quarantine Designer Checklist

My planner is usually a bit of a mess – a combination of notes from client calls and scribbled ideas that pop into my head at any given time. But the one thing I lean on every single day is my “big 3” list of tasks which are generally all related to client work. That has stayed the same for now, but if this goes on until the fall, I will likely have a bit more time on my hands.

Every Day routine

1) Daily Design Practice

2) Client work

3) Check in with previous clients

4) Check in with other designers

5) Business self-care (cleaning my desktop, organizing my files, archiving projects)

Long Term goals

1) Website updates (adding an about page, revising our services page)

2) Portfolio updates (does anyone else have approximately ZERO current work on their website?)

3) Finish my course, Creative On Command

4) Try to go 24 hours without using my phone at all

5) Passion projects (want to tackle a honey company, snack packaging, jewelry brand, color cosmetic company, and skincare brand)

I made a little PDF for you guys to use if you want to create a similar structure for yourself each day and then determine what big projects you want to tackle if this continues through the summer. I called it the Spring Design Checklist – Quarantine Design Checklist is what I’m calling mine but it’s a bit of a downer and I don’t want to drag you down with me! So I chose a happier title for all of you.

Do you need help developing your list? Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you find structure in these strange times.

Click here to download the PDF.

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